Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Three Tips To Save A Marriage

By Sarah Lee

Really trying to convince your spouse to remain married to you is something that can become very frustrating. Especially, when you see that your marriage could be coming to an end. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on convincing a spouse to save a marriage.

That way, you will be able to have a happy marriage.

The 3 simple marriage saving tips are:

1. The first thing you have to do to convince your spouse that your marriage is worth saving is to make out a list of everything you like about your spouse. Tell your mate that you two should create a list of all the things that you enjoy about one another. This list will make your spouse think back to all the good times you two shared with each other.

Also, this should assist your partner with learning what they really like about you. This will help convince your spouse to stay married to you.

2. Another effective way to convince a spouse to rescue a marriage is to sit down and discover what went wrong. Was there an affair? Is the love going away? You and your spouse need to come up with all the things that are going wrong in your marriage.

After doing this, you need to both come together and think of a number of possible solutions to your issues (besides going through a divorce). It doesn't matter what happened or what the problem is, you can always, and I mean always, solve the problem.

3. Going out on a date with your mate is one other way to convince them that your marriage is definitely worth saving. Re-kindling the romance might be just what you need to save your marriage. You don't have to spend a ton of money taking your spouse out. Be creative. And be romantic.

These are a number of tips on convincing a partner to save a marriage. If you are serious about staying married to your spouse, you need to do something about it now. If you don't, you may find yourself being served divorce papers.

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