If you desire to save a marriage, it is extremely vital that you stay away from a number of the normal pitfalls others experience. It boggles the mind to think about how many potentially wonderful marriages die in divorce courts every year when they could have been saved. Don't let your marriage suffer a similar fate. Avoid these two blunders at all costs.
Mistake One: Betting On A Hunch
Marriage is a very personal thing, as are your emotions. You believe that you know the situation better than anybody, so once it comes to saving your marriage, you feel like you must trust your instincts. That's a common perspective. It's also a horrible mistake.
Consider this. You don't study human relationships for a living. You do not a lot of experience as a counselor. You don't carry a PhD and your only real connection to the field of human psychology is a few entry level classes from back when you were in college (if that).
This is definitely a high stakes situation and one of the most essential aspects of your total life is hanging in the balance. Where does it make more sense to put your trust--with an expert who knows the right way to save a marriage or with your own gut instincts? The answer should be obvious.
You do not truly have to get involved in marriage counseling. You do, however, need to follow an expert-written blueprint for rescuing your marriage from divorce.
Mistake Two: Early Surrender
Things might look bleak. It may appear as if a divorce is inevitable. You probably believe that you have no possible way out and you're doomed to be an additional divorce statistic. Things are sliding irreversibly into disaster and there's nothing you can do now. It's too late, right?
Wrong. Until the ink is dry on that divorce decree, you certainly have a great chance to rescue your marriage. There are couples who actually broke through and made another go at love while standing in the courthouse. One expert recounts the story of a couple who were driving to see divorce attorneys when one of them finally took the right first step to saving the relationship.
It's never too late. Don't give up early. If you want to preserve your marriage, you need to start now--even if now is late in the game.
Mistake One: Betting On A Hunch
Marriage is a very personal thing, as are your emotions. You believe that you know the situation better than anybody, so once it comes to saving your marriage, you feel like you must trust your instincts. That's a common perspective. It's also a horrible mistake.
Consider this. You don't study human relationships for a living. You do not a lot of experience as a counselor. You don't carry a PhD and your only real connection to the field of human psychology is a few entry level classes from back when you were in college (if that).
This is definitely a high stakes situation and one of the most essential aspects of your total life is hanging in the balance. Where does it make more sense to put your trust--with an expert who knows the right way to save a marriage or with your own gut instincts? The answer should be obvious.
You do not truly have to get involved in marriage counseling. You do, however, need to follow an expert-written blueprint for rescuing your marriage from divorce.
Mistake Two: Early Surrender
Things might look bleak. It may appear as if a divorce is inevitable. You probably believe that you have no possible way out and you're doomed to be an additional divorce statistic. Things are sliding irreversibly into disaster and there's nothing you can do now. It's too late, right?
Wrong. Until the ink is dry on that divorce decree, you certainly have a great chance to rescue your marriage. There are couples who actually broke through and made another go at love while standing in the courthouse. One expert recounts the story of a couple who were driving to see divorce attorneys when one of them finally took the right first step to saving the relationship.
It's never too late. Don't give up early. If you want to preserve your marriage, you need to start now--even if now is late in the game.
About the Author:
There are some effective things you can do to prevent your marriage from falling apart. When it comes to Saving A Marriage the techniques you will find on the next page can provide you with the advice and info you need to assist the situation you're going through Click Here.
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